Book Props for your next Corporate Event!
Ask any corporate employee what they thought about the last company event and you’ll usually get, “boring”. Employees today must attend company events at least a few times each year and many dread this 3 or 4 hour affair. Most event planners spend time with company managers getting input based on what the manager thinks will excite and energize company employees, when it is the employees they should be interviewing.
Companies today are spending more on speakers, decorations and awards, and less on entertainment that can make the event memorable. When a manager or event planner notices their employees taking pictures with their I-phones, they should get a clue.
Hiring Props! Photo Booths is an inexpensive way for your employees to memorialize any company event. Our booths take up minimal space, require no man hours from the company and are a hoot for your guests. We provide props with every rental. Take it one step further and we can add custom branding and custom props to match your event. We guarantee your event will go down in history each and every time. To go even further, have a brief award ceremony for the most memorable photos.
We offer top quality equipment that offer photo strips, scrapbook options, and more. We provide all photos on a cd so that any potentially embarrassing photos can be deleted before they are published. The photos are made available online and can be password protected.
This is a no-brainer for any event planner. One phone call or a visit to our website can get a photo booth reserved for a couple of hours or the entire day. We provide free setup and delivery, and an attendant during the event.
It’s exciting, it’s funny, it’s memorable and it’s for your employees. Keep them interested, motivated, and we look forward to your next event.